Websnap造句 1、a snap dicision 仓促 作出的 决定 2、It is risky to make snap judgements. 匆忙 作 判断 是 危险 的。 3、Don't always snap at people. 别老是 斥责 别人。 4、Pass the … Websnap造句. 1、He would onlysnap at you.(他只会吼你。; 2、This job's asnap.(这活儿不过是小菜一碟。; 3、He willsnap right out of it.(他会振作起来的。; 4、I think this is too important for asnap decision.(我认为此事非常重要,不宜仓促地做决定。; 5、He'dsnap at this chance.(他会马上抓住这个机会的。; 6、This job is asnap.(这个工作很 ...
in a snap中文, in a snap中文意思 - tw.ichacha.net
http://www.ichacha.net/zaoju/in%20a%20snap.html#:~:text=in%20a%20snap%E7%9A%84%E9%80%A0%E5%8F%A5%E5%92%8C%E4%BE%8B%E5%8F%A5%EF%BC%9A%201.%20Create%20photo%20albums%20in,they%20can%20%27%20t%20change%20in%20a%20snap%E5%9B%A0%E4%B8%BA%E4%B9%A0%E6%83%AF%E7%9A%84%E5%85%BB%E6%88%90%E5%B7%B2%E8%A1%8C%E4%B9%8B%E6%9C%89%E5%B9%B4%EF%BC%8C%E6%97%A0%E6%B3%95%E7%9E%AC%E9%97%B4%E8%A2%AB%E6%94%B9%E5%8F%98%E3%80%82 WebThe atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap. florist in saxilby lincoln
Web谁能帮我用英语翻译一下,初一水平,用过去式:我周末在家里,星期六早上在家里睡觉,下午在家里看电视... Webmomentarily. shortly. any minute now. before long. in a flash. in a minute. in a second. in a jiffy. in an instant. Webin造句 1、They livedin roomsin Kensington. (他们住在肯辛顿的出租房间。 ) 2、The marriage endedin divorcein 1996. (这桩婚姻在1996年以离婚告终。 ) 3、in 'Go away!' the verb isin the imperative. (Goaway!中的动词是祈使语气动词。 ) 4、We went skiingin Francein March. (三月份我们去法国滑雪了。 ) 5、Long hair for men cameinin the sixties. (男子留长 … great yarmouth to hemsby bus