Witryna是 , 觉得 是为了角色 好感度而演, 是为了角色 真实感而演。. 11.Personally I don’t think he’s very attractive, but they say beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, don’t they? 认为他并没有多大 魅力, 过 都说萝卜青菜,各有所爱, 是吗? 12. Lifestyle is expensive monetarily and personally, because ... Witryna"学非所用" 英文翻译 : one does not do what one has learned.; one's education does not fit him for a certain job.; what the students are learning cannot meet the needs of their future profession 例句与用法 Who 's paying for her schooling ? 谁在付她的 学费 ? Is her tuition expensive ? 她的 学费 是否很贵? Terms , two dollars a week . 学费 每周两元。
欧路词典 英汉-汉英词典 impersonal是什么意思_impersonal的中文解释和发音_impersonal的翻译_impersonal …
Witrynaadv. 冷淡地;客观地 名 词: impersonality 副 词: impersonally 近义词词典 近义词 adj. nonpersonal, objective, nonsubjective 反义词 n. personal, subjective 联想词 faceless 个性; aloof 冷淡; indifferent 漠不关心; unfriendly 不友好; banal 陈腐; disinterested 不感兴趣; immediacy 直接; utilitarian 有效用; meaningless 意义; intimate 亲密; bureaucratic 官 … Witryna『欧路词典』为您提供finger-spell的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的finger-spell的中文意思,finger-spell的读音,finger-spell的同义词,finger-spell的反义词,finger-spell的例句。 ontological turn anthropology
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Witrynato rush or move violently and tumultuously to storm into a room 及物动词 9. to attack or direct something at (someone) in a vigorous or angry outburst to storm a speaker with questions 10. to capture or attempt to capture (a fortified place) with a sudden, strong attack SIMILAR WORDS: atˈtack Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Witrynaimpersonally翻译:bâng quơ。了解更多。 Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English http://www.ichacha.net/impersonality.html i/o stack optimization for smartphones