WebGreenheck recently redesigned its AMD line of air measuring dampers that combine an accurate airflow measuring station and a low leakage control damper into one compact unit. The differential pressure Air Measuring Station (AMS) now includes extruded aluminum air measuring tubes instead of galvanized steel for a sleeker design.
Single Duct Air Terminals - XG-TH-500 Series Greenheck
WebAMD-23-TD. The AMD-23-TD measures and regulates airflow volumes to a target set point. This model comes with Vari-Green® thermal dispersion probes factory-installed in the damper sleeve, a modulating actuator, and a Vari-Green airflow measurement transmitter that outputs a signal proportional to the cfm going through the unit. WebThe Johnson Controls AD-1272 Advanced Thermal Dispersion Airflow and Temperature Measuring System is a highly accurate airflow and temperature measurement product for new installations or retrofit applications. The system supports air flow measurements up to 128 waterproof, flex sensors, providing the most sensing points in the industry. lithe fish
Centrifugal Downblast Exhaust Fans - GB Greenheck
Websupplied pressure transducer on a Greenheck AMS airflow . measuring station or AMD airflow measuring damper to calculate the realtime volumetric airflow rate (cfm) going through the unit. Using PID logic the controller then controls the damper’s actuator to achieve a target cfm setpoint. The cfm setpoint can be established either WebAir distribution products for industrial, commercial and institutional applications. Grilles, registers and diffusers cover supply or return openings for HVAC systems. These devices can be for aesthetic or functional (direction and control) purposes with a wide variation in type, features and mounting locations. WebVIEW VARI-GREEN CONTROLS AIRFLOW MEASUREMENT Airflow measuring products help buildings meet the minimum outdoor air requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 or California Title 24 by … impractical jokers who is gay